A coherently designed, comprehensively resourced, freely available English curriculum for KS3 and KS4. Our curriculum balances ambition for all with successful adaption for students with SEND. It is both coherently sequenced - covering the breadth of what the subject offers - and thoughtfully balanced between the needs of reading, writing and speaking.

Although our modules are designed to tell a clear story of English, we have made them flexible enough to be slotted into existing curriculum structures if need be. 

Please feel free to use or adapt any of our materials (under our creative commons license). 

Always a work-in-progress – as any curriculum should be – we hope you find these resources useful. However, everything we produce is always in beta: we are a small team performing a wide range of roles. 

We update and edit based on feedback from our schools and although we take care to find and remove mistakes, we cannot guarantee you won’t find any. If you do, please let us know

The Team

The OAT English team is made up of the national and regional lead practitioners at Ormiston Academies Trust. We are:

Emma Levins

Emma Levins

Lead Practitioner
Kate Moloney

Kate Moloney

Lead Practitioner (mat leave)
Amy Rose

Amy Rose

Lead Practitioner
Claire Woozley

Claire Woozley

Lead Practitioner

The curriculum also includes material produced by James Hibbert.